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Affiliated Works

The following works were written by former and current museum staff, and have contributed to our educational mission. They are welcome additions to our ever-growing library and archive!


  •  The Web of Hope: The Memoirs of George Kooshian (2017)

  • Regimes of Twentieth-Century Germany: From Historical Consciousness to Political Action (2016)

  • Telephone Diplomacy: The Secret Talks Behind US-Soviet Détente During the Cold War, 1969-1977​ (2014)


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The Web of Hope

The Memoirs of George Kooshian

The Web of Hope is a first-hand, day-to-day account of a young man who went into the face of genocide armed only with pencil and paper. From the notes he recorded during the death marches and massacres in 1915, a chilling picture of the Armenian Genocide takes shape. Of two thousand deportees in his caravan to the Syrian desert, George Kooshian was among the very few to escape and the only one able to bear witness. This stunning autobiography offers an everyday look at the destroyed and forever lost Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire before 1915, the unspeakable cruelty and deprivations during the deportation, the glimmer of hope following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire by the Allied Powers in 1918, the renewed persecutions in the 1920s and emigration to the United States of America and ultimately to Pasadena, California. This volume is an important addition to the genre of memoir literature by genocide survivors, especially in the face of adamant and repressive state denial of the crime. It is a must-read for persons with an interest in Armenian and Near Eastern history, immigration studies, human rights, and ethical themes centered around the human spirit tested by the most crushing experiences, from a man who not only survived but thrived through faith. - Richard Hovannisian, Armenian Educational Foundation Professor Emeritus of Modern Armenian History, University of California, Los Angeles

Regimes of Twentieth-Century Germany

From Historical Consciousness to Political Action

Regimes of Twentieth-Century Germany studies how history didactics can contribute to preserving freedom and peace by incorporating an action component into historical consciousness research and by broadening its charter along age target group related, interdisciplinary, and international dimensions. This is investigated both on a conceptual and an empirical basis with specific focus on the two dictatorships of twentieth-century Germany. Specifically, there are three objectives: Further the conceptual development of historical consciousness research by incorporating an action component labeled action consciousness; empirically research knowledge, attitudes, and action consciousness of adults as well as the forms of historical cultural socialization both with respect to the NS and the SED dictatorships; derive recommendations for the further development of history didactics. Based on a discussion of the chosen research methodology, a review of the results of the empirical study is presented.


Telephone Diplomacy

The Secret Talks Behind US-Soviet Détente During the Cold War, 1969-1977

How are international crises resolved? Unbeknownst to the public, many of them are handled by way of back channel negotiations (BCN). These secret, private communications between representatives of each side seek to find solutions to conflicts away from the heated rhetoric of politicians and the public. In Telephone Diplomacy: The Secret Talks Behind US-Soviet Detente During the Cold War, 1969-1977, Daniel S. Stackhouse, Jr. reveals how one such back channel operated between United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Soviet Ambassador to the US Anatoly Dobrynin. Through an examination of telephone transcripts of private conversations between the two diplomats, Stackhouse demonstrates how Kissinger and Dobrynin helped the United States and the Soviet Union achieve a detente, or relaxation of Cold War tensions in the 1970s. Stackhouse argues that the conversations, often serious - but sometimes quite humorous, reveal that Kissinger and Dobrynin formed a relationship based upon empathy which enabled them to achieve numerous diplomatic successes in spite of strongly conflicting American and Soviet ideologies. Consequently, the Kissinger-Dobrynin "special relationship" provides an ideal case study of the potential for back channel negotiations to resolve international disputes.

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The content of this museum includes topics of a sensitive nature and may be offensive to some people. All material, physical, audio, and visual, are solely presented and used for scholarly and educational purposes. We do not seek to support, promote, or glorify these regimes or their ideologies in any way. Rather, we endeavor to present the history of these dictatorships as they were, and to understand how and why they existed. Our goal is to better comprehend the phenomenon of dictatorship and repression and the diverse cultures these entities took root in. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.


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