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Our permanent collection focuses on a selection of the most infamous regimes of the 20th century, some of which have survived into the 21st. Among the many artifacts are books, uniforms, personal items and histories, posters, banners, hardware, ceramics, currency, and printed material. Regimes Museum commits its resources to acquiring those artifacts that serve to fill in necessary gaps, are items of historical and cultural significance, or are in danger of being destroyed or removed from public access. We strive to preserve these artifacts and make them available to scholars for research and open to public interest.

Contact us to inquire about materials we have in our holdings or to set up an appointment for further consultation.

A number of the East European, Soviet/Russian and Former Yugoslavia items in our collection were generously donated by Carl Golden.


Rights and Access


The Regimes Museum is committed to a policy of broad public access. The museum strives to provide free and open online access to works in its collections and products of scholarship based on its collections and academic contributions. Please make note of the following policies:

Online Collections & Virtual Museum

Regimes Museum provides free access to images and digital versions of its artifacts and objects for educational and research purposes. Access does not confer rights to reuse. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use or other exemptions requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Many of the works in the museum’s catalog are presumed to be under copyright, but due to the nature of archival collections we are not always able to identify rights information. It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine whether legal permission is necessary for reuse, and to obtain such permission. In cases where we have information about existing rights holders, we are happy to share it. If you have additional information about an item in our catalog, we are eager to hear from you. Please contact us at

Takedown Policy

Regimes Museum approaches provision of access to its collections with a commitment to ethical, well-intentioned practice. If you are concerned that you have found material on our website to which you hold the rights and for which you have not given permission or public access to, please contact us at Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address rights concerns.

Regimes Museum  Publications

The intellectual property of publications by Regimes Museum employees and affiliates resides with the authors. The museum maintains a policy that copies of scholarly publications created under the terms of an individual’s employment and referencing the museum’s collections be made freely available, either on the museum’s website or the open-access portal of the publication, or both. The authors grant The Regimes Museum a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to make their scholarly products available, except where they have entered into an incompatible licensing agreement. The museum will work with publishers to break down barriers to open access.

Citing Regimes Museum

The Regimes Museum provides access to its online catalog records (metadata) without restrictions. This means that you are free to share and reuse texts contained in the catalog records; we simply ask that you attribute them to The Regimes Museum whenever feasible, for example by citing the URL for the catalog record and noting “courtesy of The Regimes Museum.” If you reference our collection in a publication, please contact us at so that we can track how our materials are being used and draw attention to your work. We request that scholars provide a link to an open-access version of their publications whenever feasible or to grant us permission to publish on our platforms.

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The content of this museum includes topics of a sensitive nature and may be offensive to some people. All material, physical, audio, and visual, are solely presented and used for scholarly and educational purposes. We do not seek to support, promote, or glorify these regimes or their ideologies in any way. Rather, we endeavor to present the history of these dictatorships as they were, and to understand how and why they existed. Our goal is to better comprehend the phenomenon of dictatorship and repression and the diverse cultures these entities took root in. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.


© 2013 - 2025, Regimes Museum Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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