Regimes Museum hosts exhibitions, lectures, conferences, concerts, and other educational programming both online and in person. See below for our in-person events, and click here to visit our virtual exhibitions.
- Thu, Oct 03Pollak Library at CSU Fullerton
Past Events
September 28, 2024: 1st Annual Regimes Museum Scholarly Conference on Tyranny. May 22, 2024: Regimes Museum visits Regimes Museum hosts an all-day "German Day" event at Heritage School in Phelan, CA. May 24, 2023: Regimes Museum hosts an all-day "German Day" event at Heritage School in Phelan, CA. The morning event for students involved a Cold War-themed escape room. May 24, 2023: Regimes Museum collaborates with the Nixon Library for their temporary exhibition, "CAPTURED: Shot Down in Vietnam." May 24, 2023: Regimes Museum hosts an all-day "German Day" event at Heritage School in Phelan, CA. The morning event for students involved a Cold War-themed escape room. The evening event featured an extensive exhibit on the GDR. January 1, 2023: Regimes Museum celebrates its 10-year anniversary through special programming and an essay competition. November 29, 2022: Regimes Museum board members Marc T. Voss and Todd Anton speak with Gary Powers Jr. at the Nixon Library’s Cold War Speaker Series. November 18, 2022: "From Stalinism to Zersetzung: Stasi Interrogation Tactics and the Crushing of Dissent." Guest lecture/mini exhibition at Chapman University, Orange, CA. November 17, 2022: "Ideological Subversion and Border Regimes: East Germany on the Front Lines of the Cold War." Guest lecture/mini exhibition at Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA. July 4, 2022: "Cold War - Soviets, Spies, and Secrets" special exhibition opens at the Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, CA, featuring several of Regimes Museum's artifacts. May 24, 2022: Cold War Days at Heritage School: A hands-on learning experience for students and faculty of Heritage School, Phelan, CA. December 1, 2021: Literary Catastrophes: A Lecture and Exhibition on the Books of Dictators and their Regimes. Regimes Museum hosted a mini-exhibition and lecture at Bookman Book Store in Orange, CA. The event featured a curated collection including books written by dictators and their close associates, as well as propaganda books from their regimes. September 19, 2020: Memory, Collective Consciousness, and Authoritarian Dictatorships International Conference. Six scholars from a variety of locations and disciplines presented on topics pertaining to memory and totalitarianism. November 14, 2019: Regimes Museum provided a memorial and display in remembrance of the Berlin Wall and those who lost their lives trying to cross it as part of Chapman University's La Frontera/The Border Conference. November 8, 2019: The Berlin Wall: 30 Years Since the Fall event at Bookman Book Store in Orange, CA. Event featured a mini-exhibition, poetry presentation, and speeches from members of the Regimes Museum Board. October 3, 2019: Bringing Down the Berlin Wall Through The Arts interdisciplinary discussion/screening/mini-exhibition featuring Professors Marc Voss and Liz Curtis at Chapman University. May 17, 2019: East Germany Day at Heritage School (Phelan, CA). May 17, 2019: Berlin Wall Memorial event at Heritage School (Phelan, CA) featuring guest speakers, student presentations, a film screening, and one of Regimes Museum's traveling exhibitions. April 1 - June 30, 2019: Threads of Utopia exhibit at CSU Fullerton. April 1, 2019: Opening reception to Threads of Utopia exhibit at CSU Fullerton, featuring guest speaker Todd Anton and a guided tour. December 14, 2018: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Brea Senior Center. June 4, 2018: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Huntington Beach Senior Center. May 17, 2018: East Germany Day at Heritage School (Phelan, CA). April 14, 2018: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at St. Wilfred's Episcopal Church. January 20, 2018: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Huntington Landmark. December 15, 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Brea Senior Center. December 7, 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Father Serra Club, St. John Morin. November 8, 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform for the Costa Mesa Vet Salute. July and August 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Orange County Fair. June 19, 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Assistance League of Long Beach. May 26, 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Costa Mesa Memorial Celebration. March 9, 2017: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Thursday Morning Club. February 8, 2017: Opening reception for Threads of Utopia: A Concise History of the GDR and Her Uniforms at the Chapman University War Letters Archive in Leatherby Libraries. January 30, 2017: Threads of Utopia: A Concise History of the GDR and Her Uniforms Exhibition opens at the Chapman University Center for American War Letters Archive in Leatherby Libraries. December 31, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform a New Years Eve show. December 16, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Brea Senior Winter Party. December 13, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Newport Beach Rotary Club. November 20, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at Miracle on Main Street. October 24, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the CA retired Teachers Association at the San Juan Hills Golf Club. October 15, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at Silverado Days. May 7 - 8, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at Sunset Beach Mother’s Day Art Festival. May 4, 2016: Regimes Museum hosts a Yom HaShoah event at Cypress College featuring 6 Holocaust survivors. May 1, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at Rossmoor Community Center. April 30, 2016: Regimes Museum and The American Legacy Museum showcase their oral history projects with the Southwest Oral History Association. April 2, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform for the Buena Park Historical Society. March 29, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at Downtown Long Beach Kiwanis Club. March 12, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at 6pm at the Sts. Simon & Jude Church. March 4, 2016: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Oasis Senior Center. October 4, 2015: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at Orange County Marketplace on the main stage at the OC Fairgrounds. November 11, 2015: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Surf City Veteran’s Car Show. November 22, 2015: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform for the Downtown Huntington Beach Tree Lighting Ceremony. December 4, 2015: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Huntington Beach Historical Society Christmas Open House. September 20, 2015: Regimes Museum and Forever Young perform at the Costa Mesa Historical Society. May 3, 2015: Premiere of “Schwarz Weiss” at the NAU Film Festival in the Orpheum Theatre.