Support Us
Museums thrive off of the community they serve. To help us with our projects, goals, and to better serve the community, we seek enthusiastic volunteers and donations including but not limited to financial contributions, storage/preservation/display materials, artifacts, historical documents, and oral histories. Donations of these types, regardless of volume, size, or amount, are all indispensable and greatly needed in order to find a permanent home, continue following the museum’s mission, and make our holdings accessible to the public. Your contributions also help us to serve veterans and our local community.
Your generous donations of time, money, artifacts and/or preservation material makes you a part of our story and contributes to the legacy of the Regimes Museum. To commemorate those who have gone above and beyond, we offer a variety of ways to show you our appreciation for your generosity.
Regimes Museum is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity. Contributions to Regimes Museum are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. Please consult with a tax adviser. We strive to make all public events, exhibitions, and archival materials free and accessible to the public; your contributions help us to fulfill our mission. Thank you!